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번역 문장 (중국어 번역 영어) 감사합니다

the economic and social benefits of sports as a mutual ties, Their relationship status is not static.but with different areas of study have different meanings

on the micro level, In the operation and development of the sports industry, Should give top priority to economic efficiency and takes into account the social benefits of sport.here is the microeconomic efficiency of the Mic benefits of sports, Sports that the economic benefits of individual business units.enterprises with the same economic benefits as their operation should be the store Point and destination of the profits as its life.this is not decided by the individual's subjective will , But under the conditions of a market economy, The inevitable result of the operation of the law of value.

for the development of sports as an industry, and take their own decision Independent accounting, Self-financing enterprise road this shows that the market value of sports products.in a market economy under the conditions of production Distribution and consumption, they must abide by the law of economy, the benefits of leverage, through fair competition, Exchange of equal value and the survival of the fittest, To ultimately achieve the optimum allocation of resources in sports.the sports industry to ensure high-speed operation.therefore. The sports business units will find ways to minimize labor share in the consumption and labor conditions, seek to maximize profits.with suits Managers must also balance the social benefits of sports, service demand, the additional colors.improve service quality and grades And physical education to meet the varied needs of the people, the only way to get more.more long-term economic benefits.

China is the most representative from Sino-foreign joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned and domestic companies, Some individuals invest in commercial clubs, tennis hall, a golf course, Sports entertainment center and other sports.is a common feature of these investors own respons ibility for profits and losses, The independent accounting of business entities.the purpose of the operation of sports motivation is obvious.in order to obtain more profit Market shares, some investors do not seem to instant success, But with foresight in improving the social aspects of sports.recruit foreign players like, their outstanding athlete and train two, Three-lane formation. Of course, It is cost-effective service ..

some people believe that sports is not the same labor and other products that are spiritual products Even some of the market access are also insisting on social and economic interests, with the main social benefits.yes, The spirit of sport is a product of domestic labor is good, but sports products so they can enter the market as commodities, certain angle, It is precisely because the public welfare.a wide range of social, rights, justice, Labor makes sports products with a value of the exchange

looking at the modern sports, A high level of athletic competition has become a glittering commodity.some businessmen, companies and chung and another, Been spending a lot of money competing.their purpose and motivation is not, of course, to the non profit sports, But good sports.can be used as a means of social, through modern media, Sports serve as excellent advertising carriers reap excess profits.every year 3 million mark for the sport into Ben relaxation of the company O is: more money into the sports sector, The profits more ..

it can be said that sports is because of the labor to create products such broad social, welfare, Only businesses vying input led to the broad market demand, The market will open up in the sports and prosperity.sports alsomakes commodity price rises.take the television broadcasting rights to the the television broadcasting rights to the , the 1984 los Angeles Olympic games at 278 million U.S. dollars.for 4 million U.S. dollars in 1988 Seoul Olympic games, 1996 Atlanta Olympic games is 7 million U.S. dollars.the high value is astounding.

use the issuance of sports lot tering The issuing of sports lottery tickets in many countries today regarded as a pillar industry supporting the development of sport.it quickly in a viva Short time to raise huge sums of money, and relies on the value of sports goods.its value with a wide range of social, welfare, And therefore very popular, and bring huge financial benefits to the sport.china "since March 1994, the deadline to the end of 1996 Has successfully issued 2.2 billion yuan of sports lottery tickets, In addition to direct 5% return award.a total of 66 million yuan to raise funds for the implementation of the main Olympic glory and nationanal Ssprogram.achieved good economic and social benefits.