기금넷 공식사이트 - 펀드 투자 - 사랑 소포는 어떻게 외국인에게 모금을 권유합니까? 어떤 상용어와 어휘가 있나요?

사랑 소포는 어떻게 외국인에게 모금을 권유합니까? 어떤 상용어와 어휘가 있나요?

헬로, I am the volunteer of China foundation for poverty alleviation (cfpa) . we are holding the event called love package activity.provided that you donate 1rmb , You could enjoy a one-on-one care to a student in impoverished mountain area.

if you donate 1 RMB, You can buy a love package and help an impoverished child.the information about the child will be given, So that you could know where your donation is. also you will get the evidence and a letter of thanks provided by cepa.after the student's r He package, they will send a card to you to express his gratitude.here the leaflet.you could know it in details.

안녕하세요: <

중국 빈곤 퇴치 재단: China foundation for poverty alleviation

기부: donation contribution