기금넷 공식사이트 - 헤지 펀드 - 고양의 인물 경험

고양의 인물 경험

2, 근무경력 < P > 29-지금까지 남개대학교 의과대학 의학분자유전학 연구소 < P > 3, 연구 방향 < P 현재 천진시 자연과학기금 (Tianjin Natural Science Foundation) 을 주관하고 있으며, 중앙고교 기본과학연구업무비 전문자금 () 은 국가자연과학기금 (National Natural Science Foundation)

4, 최근 5 년 논문

1.ma c, Gao y *, chai g, su h, Wang n, yang y, Li c, Miao d, Wu W. DJ rho 2 37 (11): 713-23. (* equal contribution).

2. Gao y, Xiong w, Li XB, Gao cf, Zhang yl Wu qy.identification of the proteomic changes in synechocystis sp.pcc 683 following prolonged UV-B irradiation.j.exp. 6: 1141-1154.

3. Gao y, Cui y, Xiong w, Li x, Wu q.effect of uv-c on algal evolution and differs Pigmentation and photo synthesis between prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae.photo chem photobiol.29; 85 (3): 774-782.

4. Gao y, Xiong w, he mj, Tang l, Xiang jy, Wu qy. action spectra of chlorophyll a biosynthesis in cyano bacteria: dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase-des 64c: 117-124.

5.sun w, Shen ww, yang s, Hu f, Gao y, Qiao yh, Zhu th.homo-binding character of lmo 2 iso forms and their both synergic and antagonistic functions in regulating hematopoietic-relels 27; 17(1):22.

6. Li M, Yang Q, Gao Y, Wu q.n-terminus deletion affecting the preparation of soluble cyano bacterial glutaredoxin in Escherichia coli .. biochemistry ( 72 (3): 313-319.

7.wei x, mingjia h, xiu feng l, yang, Qingyu W. identification and biochemical properties of dps (starvation-induced DNA binding protein) from cyano bacterium anabs 59(1):675-681.

8. Cheng Yun; Zhou Wenguang; Gao Chunfang; Lan Kenneth; Gao Yang; Wu qingyu.biodiesel production from Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) tuber by hetero trophic micro algae Chlorella Biotechnolog.29,84 (5): 777-781. < P > 9. 이민민, 풍은강, 고양, 오경여