기금넷 공식사이트 - 헤지 펀드 - 류리의 연구 소개
류리의 연구 소개
1.215.1-218.12 미세 수력조건 하에서 급수관 미생물 집결 행동 분석 및 수치 시뮬레이션
국가자연과학기금 (5147946),
3.211.1-214.6 남사호 유역 수자원 구성 전체 시뮬레이션 모델 연구 주관,
기업 위탁 프로젝트 (11-75),
5.212.1-214.12 유역 분산 수문 시뮬레이션을 기반으로 한 호수 가뭄 특성 수위 계산 및 적용,
국가자연과학기금 (511952),
6.29.1-22 참여 참여 1, Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, G. mahinthakumar and S. ran Ji ranjithan.212. identifying contaminant sources for water distribution systems using a hybrid MEMS And environmental systems, 29 (2): 123-136.
2, Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, G. mahinthakumar and S. ran Ji ranjithan.212. coupling of logistic regression analysis and local search methods for characteris Tion system contaminant source.engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 25 (2): 39-316.
3 A. sankarasubramanian and S. ran Ji ranjithan.211. logistic regression analysis to estimate contaminant sources in water distimate Of hydro informatics, 13 (3): 545-557.
4, Li Liu, S. ran Ji ranjithan and g. mahinthakumar.211. contamination source identification in water distribution systems using an adapps Procedure.journal of water resources planning and management, 137 (2): 183-192.asce.
5, 주피 CHENG Liang, ZHANG Libing.211, An improved Markov chain model based on auto correlation and entropy techniques and its application to state prediction of water resources.chis Raphic al science, 21 (2): 176-184.
6, Li Liu, S. Ranji Ranjithan.21, anadaptive optimization technique for dynamic environments.engineering applications of artificiations 23(5): 772-779.
7, Li Liu, e. Downey brill, g. Kumar mahinthakumar, And S. ran Ji ranjithan.29.a hybrid heuristic search approach for contaminant source characterization.proceedings of the assis Environmental resources congress, may 17-21,29, Kansas city, Missouri, USA.
8, Li Liu, e.. And S. ran Ji ranjithan.28.contaminant source characterization using logistic regression and local search methods.proceeds Environmental resources congress, may 12-16,28, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
9, Li Liu, m.emc James Uber and S. ran Ji ranjithan.27.considering demand variability and measurement uncertainties in adaptive source character Ibution networks.proceedings of the asce/ewri world water & Environmental resources congress, may 15-18,27, Tampa Florida, USA.
1, Li Liu, m. Emily zecs S. Ranji Ranjithan, And James uber.26.adaptive contamination source identification in water distribution systems using an evolutionary algorithm-; Ionprocedure.waterdistribution systems analysis symposium, August 27-3,26, Cincinnati, oh, USA. < p. 왕철선. 212. SCS 와 USLE 에 근거한 성해총 인 총 질소 참조 상태 추정. 지리학, 32(6):725-73.
12. 주옥량, 김국량, 류리, 장예병 이여충, 주옥량 .211. 삼각모호수 무작위 시뮬레이션에 기초한 지하수 환경시스템 종합위험평가 모델. 지리과학, 31(2): 143-147.
14. 장예병, 호수량, 주옥량, 동중화