기금넷 공식사이트 - 복권 조회 - Shop 은 어떻게 읽습니까?
Shop 은 어떻게 읽습니까?
shop 의 발음은: 영어 [? P]. Shop 은 n. 스토어를 의미합니다. 작업장; V. 쇼핑 쇼핑; 물건을 사다. Shop 과거 시제: shopped;; 과거 단어 세분화: shopped;; 현재 분사: shopping;; 3 인칭 단수: 쇼. < P > 1. 자세한 해석 지점 shop 의 자세한 내용 보기 < P > N. (명사) 공장, 공장 본업 상점, 점포, 점포 작업장, 워크샵, 수리점 상점 사업, 사업직업상의 사실, 사무실 사무실, 기관 특수부서 v. ( 상점에 가서 물건을 사서 세 집보다 사고, 2, 영영 해석
noun: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on cape cod"
small workplace where hand crafts or manufacturing are done
a course of instruction in I built a bird house in shop
verb: do one's shopping; "she goes shopping every Friday"
do one's shopping at; Do business with; Be a customer or client of
shop around; Not necessarily buying; I don't need help, I'm just browsing "
give away information about somebody; "he told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
3, 사전 설명
1. 상점; 가게
a shop is a building or part of a building where things are sold ...
e. g ... health food shops ...
건강식품점 상점에 가서 물건을 사다
when you shop, you go to shops and buy things.
e.g. he always shopped at the co-op.
그는 줄곧 있었다
e.g... some advice that's worth bearing in mind when shopping for a new carpet ...
새 카펫을 살 때 참고할 만한 제안
shopping 크리스마스 구매자 3. (어떤 서비스를 제공하는) 가게, 상점
you can refer to a place where a particular service is offered as a particular type of shop ...
e. g ... the barber Is hair cut ..
로드니는 가끔 이발소에 가는 이발소
e.g... betting shops ..
복권 판매점
4. 공장; 작업장; 워크샵; 작업장
you can refer to a place where things are made or done as a particular kind of shop ...
e.g ... the blacksmith' .
5. (경찰에 신고)
If youshop someone, You report them to the police for doing something illegal.
e.g. his father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drug
e. g. fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours.
사기꾼은 법을 잘 지키는 친구와 이웃들에게 고발되는 경우가 많다.
6. see also: shopping; 칩 샵; Coffee shop; 코너 샵; Paper shop; Pawn shop; Print shop; Sex shop; Tea shop; Talking shop; Thrift shop
when you want to refer to a particular type of shop, You can often simply use the word for the person who owns or manages the shop.down the road there is another green grocer ... bring me back a paper The newsagent.alternatively, you can use the possessive form with's, Without a following noun ...... items which can be purchased at the green grocer's ... she also cleans offices and serves in a local newsager So use the same pattern with other words that refer to a person or business that provides a service, Such as hairdresser or dentist.three or four times a week they'll go to the hairdresser ... it's worse than being at the dentist' 예를 들어, "이 길을 따라 채소과일가게가 하나 더 있다", "bring meback a paper from the newsagent" 가 있습니다. 또는 모든 격자's 뒤에 명사를 붙이지 않는 형식으로 어떤 점포를 나타낼 수 있다. items which can be purchased at the green grocer's (채소과일가게에서 살 수 있는 물건), she also cleans offices and server 이런 모든 격식 뒤에 명사를 받지 않는 구조는 해드리스터, dentist 등 어떤 서비스를 제공하는 사람이나 업종을 나타내는 명사 뒤에 어떤 점포를 지칭하는 데 쓰일 수 있다. three or four times a week they'll go to the hairdresser's (그들은 일주일에 서너 번 간다.) (three or four times a week they'll go to the hairdresser's 7. 여기저기 여기저기
if something is happening all over the shop, It is happening in many different places or throughout a wide area.
e.g. this gave them the freedom to make trouble all over theer
8. 개업
if youset up shop, you start a business.
shop 의 동의어를 열다
e.g. he set up shop as an independent pr consure
e.g. he has just set up shop in cherbourg.
그는 방금 서부르크에 개업한 지 얼마 되지 않았다.
9. (상점, 사무실, 회사) 휴식, 퇴근, 폐점, 폐업, 휴업
when a shop, office, or firm shuts up shop, it stopp Either at the end of the day or permanently.
e.g. if they had been faced with the bill they'd have shutup shop and fled the coced
1. 은행 업무에 대해 이야기하십시오. 세 문장은 본업을 떠나지 않는다
if you say that people are talking shop, you mean that they are talking about their work, And this is boring for other people who do not do the same work.
e.g. if you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end und
11. a bull in a chinashop -> See bull
관련 문구: shop around
4, 예문
the local dress shop is having a sale.
인근 패션가게가 대경매를 하고 있다.
the dresses in the shop are priced high.
이 상점의 옷 가격은 매우 높다.
that shop has a large connection.
그 상점에는 많은 고객이 있다.
I saw both of them at work in the shop.
둘 다 작업장에서 일하는 것을 보았습니다.
the foreman oversaw the workers in the shop.
이 감독은 작업장에서 근로자를 감시하고 있다.
women in general like to shop for new clothes.
대부분의 여성들은 쇼핑해서 새 옷을 사는 것을 좋아한다.
I usually go shopping on sundays.
나는 보통 일요일에 쇼핑을 한다.
I have 3 days free.i' m going to hk to shop.
나는 3 일 휴가가 있는데 홍콩에 쇼핑하러 가고 싶다.
I believe that it will be easier to shop online in the future.
앞으로 온라인 쇼핑이 더 쉬울 것이라고 믿습니다.
My mother was out sh
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