기금넷 공식사이트 - 펀드 투자 - 영어 고수에게 논문 요약 번역 (사회보장기금 방면) 을 도와달라고 부탁하다.

영어 고수에게 논문 요약 번역 (사회보장기금 방면) 을 도와달라고 부탁하다.

the social security fund is the national social security system, in order to ensure social justice, And promote the social stability and promote economic development has irreplaceable function.china's social security fund management led On startting evening, at present still exist, The lack of perfect backward legislation supervision mechanism and its ability of fund of appreciation. to establish and perfect the system of system Security of our country, we must through the legal agreement, Establish clear scientific and reasonable social security fund supervision and management system, ensure the social security funds allocatem Such links, perfect regulation system construction work, improve the benefit of investment funds, China's social security fund operation situation of empty account.therefore, This article points in four parts to the above questions are discussed in this paper.

the first chapter of this study summarized introde Background and significance, and puts forward the research purpose is fund supervision system in China, Analyzes the status quo of social security fund supervision, problems existing in proposes counter measures to solve these problems.in adds It introduces the social security fund supervision and the research status, detailed introduces America, Britain, Germany's social security fund supervision system, To explore how to solve the fund for below oversight in question.

the second chapter of social security funds, Expounds the concept of social security fund supervision and regulation of the basic principles.

in the third chapter fund regulatory National rights authority supervision and administrative regulation, special supervision organization supervision and internal control Judicial supervision, social supervision.organs of state power supervisory and administrative supervision and internal supervision Special supervision, Judicial supervision and social supervision for China's social security fund supervision system.analysis of the social security fund suun Regulation related legislation lag exists over-reliance on administrative supervision, administration and supervision mechanism than The fund supervision mechanism imperfect, the social security fund value of problem.

the fourth chapter in the previous question Improving the social security fund supervision from the legal system, optimize administrative supervision, improve social supervision Perfecting the social security fund investment operation regulation mechanism, establish fund of market mechanism, improve the oversige